Read Sing Play

Adventures in early literacy

Preschool Storytime: Pumpkins

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Holy preschoolers, Batman! There were 91 people at storytime today (folks were coming and going so I don’t think there were that many the whole time)!

Here’s what happened:

If You’re Happy and You Know It
*clap your hands
*stomp your feet
*jump up high
*rub your tummy (and your head at the same time!!)
*read a book
*sit down please

Sixteen Runaway Pumpkins by Dianne Ochiltree: This was a bigger hit than I thought it would be. The kids loved seeing the pumpkins roll down the hill.

Pumpkins, Pumpkins turn around
*touch the ground
*jump up high
*touch the sky
*slap your knees
*sit down please
Now get up again! Mwahahaha! 😉

Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell

Shoo Fly by Kathy Reid-Naiman with scarves (the shoo motion is obvious, but for the rest I just make up motions to do and they follow along)

Pumpkin Trouble by Jan Thomas: Everyone loved this, but it was nice to hear some grownups laughing REALLY hard throughout.

Five Little Pumpkins glove (see flannel friday for a pic) Lots of oohs and ahhs with this one-we did it twice. Here’s a link to the words if you don’t know them:

Our craft was torn paper pumpkins or apples so I went through Perfect Square by Michael Hall (no, not the Dexter guy) so they’d see all the cool things you can do with a piece of paper. They were enthralled, surprisingly for being the end of storytime. I’ll definitely use that book again.

Bubbles! To Splish, Splash by Bobby Darin.

Craft: torn paper pumpkins or apples. Each kid gets a paper plate and tears construction paper and glues it to the plate to make a pumpkin or apple or whatever they want. punch a hole in the top and attach string so you can hang it in your window!

Phew! Lots of fun!

Author: Kendra

Children's Librarian in the Northwest. Lover of toddlers, twitter, and TV (T's, too, apparently!).

One thought on “Preschool Storytime: Pumpkins

  1. Pingback: Pumpkins on Parade (Outreach Visit) | Miss Mariah's Library

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