Read Sing Play

Adventures in early literacy

Flannel Friday: Stuck Magnet Set


Our new library has a wall painted with magnetic paint in our program room. The paint isn’t very strong so we can’t use a lot of store bought magnets. However, I’ve been dying to use the wall for a “flannel” for a tour group and figured I could make my own with magnetic tape I know works on the wall. Lucky for me, Nik at Narrating Tales of Preschool Storytime and her trusty helper Seth, just created one such board for Stuck by Oliver Jeffers. So here is my copy of that up on our wall. I ran out of time so didn’t show the boy but that’s ok- I’ll be him for the purpose of the story.


Check out the Flannel Friday roundup at Anna’s blog. See the flannels on Pinterest by clicking the button on the right side of this blog. Happy flanneling!

Author: Kendra

Children's Librarian in the Northwest. Lover of toddlers, twitter, and TV (T's, too, apparently!).

20 thoughts on “Flannel Friday: Stuck Magnet Set

  1. It turned out awesome, I want a magnetic wall!

  2. Pingback: Flannel Friday Round Up – March 16 « ValleyStorytime

  3. So colorful! Looks like a fun story. I have s copy waiting for me to read it this weekend. 🙂

    I have been lobbying for a magnetic wall for about a year now. Not going to give up! I want one!

  4. Exactly…this is great…I want a magnetic wall too!!!

  5. Awesome visual, Kendra! Love it!

  6. I want a magnetic wall too! Or actually any empty wall would be awesome. We don’t have a program room, so I do storytime in the middle of the children’s department, which involves moving a ton of furniture and reading in front of the puzzle table (and I pity the fool who has to compete with puzzles during storytime).

    • Anne, I can sympathize with your pain! I used to do toddler and preschool storytimes in the middle of B&N’s children’s area. Besides competing with a Thomas the Tank train table (impossible with some kids!) and parents chatting to each other, I would actually have adults step in front of the kids so they could reach a book that they wanted from the wall behind us. Very frustrating!

    • I used to do that in my old library. I always hid all the toys, covered up the computer, etc. so I’d have their undivided attention. In some ways I actually miss being in the middle of the books, etc. It is nice being able to hep people find things right after storytime instead of have to close up the room. But it’s also nice being able to close the room and have a few moments of silence before continuing the day. Maybe you could get a really big cookie sheet and use it as a magnet board?

  7. is there a way I can have a copy of the flannelboard pattern for this story?

    • I’m sure that is possible! Can you wait until tomorrow? It’s on my work computer and I’m home today. Thanks for the comment!

      • oh, absolutely! thank you so much! I love this story and I’ve been wanting to do it for storytime for a long time. I think the flannelboard will be perfect!

      • OMG! I am SO sorry! This is what I get for making promises in December. Sheesh. Anyway, I need an email or something to send the file to you. Mine is if you just want to drop me a note and I’ll get it to you. Thanks for being SO patient. 🙂

  8. I JUST saw this, and I just emailed you 🙂 Thank you!

  9. I love this book and your magnet set is gorgeous. Would it be possible to get a copy of the pattern you used?

  10. Thanks Kendra. I just sent you the email 🙂

  11. I am having my formal observation next week. I would love to use this to accompany my lesson. Would it be possible to get a copy of the pattern, too? Thank you so much!

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