Read Sing Play

Adventures in early literacy

Baby Storytime: Art!


Inspired by Brooke to do art with babies, I decided to let the baby storytime folk get in on the storytime postcard project every storytimer in my library did for the last weeks of storytime. Basically, we take this awesome postcard with all the information for when storytimes start back up again in 5 weeks (!) and a spot for kids and parents to decorate and write their address. Then we mail the postcards to them! I’m not sure which of my clever co-workers came up with the idea, but it’s genius. First, everyone LOVES getting mail, especially when it’s informational. Second, everyone LOVES their kid’s artwork. So getting kids’ artwork in the mail? Pure genius, I tell you.

The front of the postcard (or is it the back?) looks like this:


The older kids had markers and small stamps to decorate their cards, but for the toddlers and babies I went with jumbo washable stamp pads and oversized stamps (for toddlers) and their hands and feet (for the babies, mostly, though many a toddler contributed their adorable handprint). When doing this with the babies I passed out a tray with a jumbo stamp pad, postcard, and pen so each adult had everything they needed within reach. I also had a big container of wipes to pass around for wiping ink off hands and feet. I was sure to tell parents how completely washable the ink is (it is REALLY easy to wash off) so not to worry about it getting on our carpet or their clothes.

Here are some left behind examples from toddler and baby time.



I’m calling this a success and plan to do more art with the tiny guys-probably once a month to start. Can’t wait!

Author: Kendra

Children's Librarian in the Northwest. Lover of toddlers, twitter, and TV (T's, too, apparently!).

5 thoughts on “Baby Storytime: Art!

  1. What a wonderful idea! Do you send them off right before storytime starts back up or immediately after the program? Also, thanks for the shout-out 🙂

    • They went out right after the program. Next year, I’m thinking we should do it the week before storytimes start again. Hindsight is 20/20!

  2. Awesome idea! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. I love this so very very much! This is a great “end of storytime” activity. Where did you get the template or did you make it yourself?

    • My co-worker made it in publisher. There are templates in publisher and after a quick google image search it looks like there are lots on the web, too. She likes have the one in publisher because then she can edit it easily every storytime session. Glad you liked it!

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